• 20 июля 2018, пятница
  • Минск, Октябрьская 16/3

First Hack and Tell Meetup!

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2199 дней назад
20 июля 2018 c 19:00 до 21:00
Октябрьская 16/3

We are pleased to inform you that SPACE together with Hackerspace and Flop are launching a series of H&&T meetups in Minsk!

You can learn more about  Hack && Tell, requirements for participants & Code of Conduct here >> https://hackandtell.org/

We’re looking for 5 minute demos of something you’re working on or something you’ve done. If you have a friend or coworker who is working on something cool, ask them to demo it too! There isn’t a special topic for the first meetup, so your speech can relate to anything you think the crowd might find interesting. 

If you’re interested to act as a speaker, please, fill out this small form >> goo.gl/forms/vvD83we2kwRUQG5n2...

If you want to listen the others speech, please register at the bottom of the page.

We’ll be meeting at SPACE.
Date: July 20, 2018
Time: 7 pm 

See you all soon!


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