Извините, регистрация закрыта. Возможно, на событие уже зарегистрировалось слишком много человек, либо истек срок регистрации. Подробности Вы можете узнать у организаторов события.
Уже 31 августа сообщество.NET соберется на на площадке SPACE на почти юбилейный Dotnetby Meetup #29.
Для участия необходима только регистрация.
В программе:
Text is a primary source of information in the world, the speech is the primary way of communication between people, altogether becoming a popular channel of communication with computers. Applications like search, chat-bots and personal assistants are already utilizing the knowledge taken from human speech and text. Why cannot your application benefit as well?
During the talk we will discuss NLP capabilities provided by.NET framework, cloud APIs like Language Understanding Service (LUIS) from Azure Cognitive Services and IBM Watson. We will also take a look at popular NuGet packages like Stanford.NLP.NET, OpenNLP.NET, and others.
On trains, in classrooms, and in international competitions, the Rubiks Cube has consumed much of our populations time.
In this session, we will study this puzzle through the lens of a curious F# developer.
First, we will model the relevant domain, forming a common language and understanding of how the Rubiks Cube operates and can be mathematically broken down.
Following our domain modeling, we will iterate through methods of solving, from naive brute-force approaches to heuristic-driven methods that take advantage of multiple processors. At the end of the day, well be solving Rubiks Cubes quickly! Where appropriate, relevant user interfaces will be shown off, powered, of course, by F#!
No F# or speed-cubing background is expected!
Мероприятие поддержали компании Playtika и ISsoft. Спасибо за помощь в развитии сообщества и возможность радовать участников митапа угощениями, сувенирами и видеозаписями докладов!
Регистрация участников с 18.30, начало докладов в 19.00.
Место проведения: SPACE (ул. Октябрьская 16/4).