• 23 октября 2018, вторник
  • Минск, Октябрьская 16/4

Python meetup by Point Nine

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2022 дня назад
23 октября 2018 c 19:00 до 22:00
Октябрьская 16/4

On October 23 at 19:00 SPACE and Point Nine organize Python meetup. Speakers from Point Nine will talk about using Python in the financial services industry.

Registration for the event is required.

We’ll talk about:

  • "Python in Finance: Circle Middle-Office Platform" by Evgeniy Dolzhenok

Point Nine is a company that provides technical services to the players in the financial world. Imagine hedge funds, brokers, provident funds and even banks that perform a lot of trades but do not have proper systems to make their trading activity visible from different angles as well as carry out their reporting obligations.

One of the biggest Point Nine services is the Middle Office platform called Circle, written in Python. It provides nice and useful reports to our clients, makes various consistency checks and reconciliations of their data versus the external platforms that also have information about their transactions. Circle also handles settlements, uploads data to third parties for execution or control. Evgeniy will tell you more about the problems we solve with Circle, the challenges we face and the ways to overcome them.

  • "Using CloverETL and Python to process millions of trades per day" by Antreas Artemiou

CloverETL is a graphical ETL tool which has proven to be very efficient in creating workflows for processing transactions for the purpose of regulatory reporting (EMIR and MIFIR).

Point Nine has extended CloverETL to integrate Python into the loop, so we can run more complex queries, business logic and advanced analytics procedures outside CloverETL, which is written in Java.

By combining Python with an ETL platform such as CloverETL, we benefit from both the ease with which we can implement complex logic in Python and leveraging the built-in functionality for standard data manipulation and automating the pipeline in Clover. We can focus on solving challenges that matter and can streamline the rest.

  • "Python, AWS and FinTech" by Pavlos Christoforou

Python’s data processing capabilities along with the elastic infrastructure provided by Amazon AWS has leveled the financial tech field between the big players and the small. For the first time we had access to an infrastructure previously only available to the biggest players and allowed us to enter and compete in a market previously not open to smaller players.

This is a talk on how Point Nine has leveraged Python and AWS to enter into a complex fintech space, that of trade processing and regulatory reporting, processing millions of trades per day at a global scale.

  • "Conquering challenges in the Fintech World using Python" by Dmitry Koudrin

The Reg Department of Point Nine provides a service of Post Trade Reporting (EMIR / ASIC).

The main purpose of the Reg System is to accept data in any format (given that it has enough info), create reports (perform data submissions) for Trade Repositories: CME, DTCC, Unavista in their format and assist clients on every step of the process to allow for a timely correction (if need be).

Point Nine aims to make the process of Post Trade Reporting easy and transparent for the client.

Registration of participants from 18.30, the reports start at 19.00.
Venue: SPACE (16/4 Oktyabrskaya St.).


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